On a dark day what is there to brighten our way? #Nature, as ever, has the answer.
Mahonia Plant Medicine Wisdom
Golden treasure in the sunshine,
In the hearts' darkness this Being gleams
The world will continue to flower
So long as we remember pilgrims' path
©Amanda 2019
So, today is what I call a "D Day". It is dim, drab, damp, dire dreary, depressing, drizzly, dank, dark, depressing ... I could go on but I'm pretty sure you get the picture! The perfect description of the view from my window.
Long hours spent on the computer and not the best of days and then a troll in my tree group. I was doing ok til I saw the troll.
Hmm ... what to do when we are not in the best of moods ... and getting outside is not an option?
Well, first of all I booted the troll out! Since my tree group is all about PositiviTree for CommuniTree it is really important to make sure that it is a safe and welcoming space for everyone.
Then I took a quick look through my photo library. The image you see above was taken a couple of days ago at Quinta Arboretum in #Cheshire. It was a beautiful day and as I walked around a corner I walked straight into a shaft of light and this beauty. It was so unexpected. Seeing a shining bunch of golden flowers is not what you expect in December and yet here it was!
A lovely deep shiny green this shrub is a Mahonia. There are about 70 species of Mahonia. They come from Central America, Northern America, Asia and the Himalayas. They are now particularly popular in the UK.
So my advice when it's "D" type of a day is get outside and if you can't do that take a look at images of nature because even just an image is scientifically proven to help your #mentalhealth and sense of #wellbeing. If you have a couple of minutes to spare you could log in to my AST site (#AncientandSacredTrees www.ancientandsacredtrees.org). There you will find short films AST members have taken out in the woods. I'm also going to be uploading my own films to YouTube soon I will keep you posted. You can do #forestbathing anywhere! Right here right now, not moving an inch, from of your computer whether in work or at home.
As my poem says, remember the lighter days and look for natures treasure. #MotherNature is always there to help us.
Would you like to walk with me? Get in touch.
It's 'that' time of year and if you haven't got your #ethicalgifts yet checkout #jackinthegreenethicalgiftshop