Jack In The Green Mission - Become The Blessing
Live With Art And Soul
Enabling sacred connection to the land, nature and people
To promote love and care for nature & each other.
To be of service to community, the other-than-human, the land
Ethically sourced goods funding tree planting and protection
Community activities to give something back
Recycle, reuse, re-purpose as much as possible
Neurodiverse, Trans, Hidden Disability, Man, Woman, Non Human Friendly
You Are Welcome!
A tithe is paid on ALL services and goods, to plant and protect trees.
This is the Jack In The Green Honour Code, it is a way of life.

Amanda Claire Vesty BA Hons, PGCE.
In Brief
Work: Founder Ancient and Sacred Trees. Country born and bred, serving a lifetime apprenticeship to the land. Over 25 years experience as a qualified teacher and artist BA Hons, PGCE, diplomas in counselling, sound healing, meditation etc. A story teller, celebrant, eco-therapist, card reader and reiki master. I work with plant spirit medicine especially trees. I’m a writer, historian, currently studying a part time Archaeology MA in Death and Memory. I use a wide variety of tools including story, talking, eco therapy, theatre, ritual and art to take people and groups on journeys of discovery, wonder and fun.
Passion: I am passionate about ecology and social justice. The happiness and wellbeing of people and planet has informed my career for over thirty years.
Vision: I founded Ancient & Sacred Trees in 2014 celebrating peoples personal and sacred connections with trees. Now a not-for-profit it is an eco-activist, mental health and wellbeing group aiming to rewild humans, and campaign for cultural change to save the earth while planting and protecting trees, land and animals. Re-claiming, Renewing and Re-Wilding for a Green and Growing CommuniTree. Jack In The Green is all about enabling people to 'Live With Art and Soul' so they can 'Become The Blessing' the world so desperately needs.

At Length
Teacher: Working in mainstream, special and further education, I’ve been lucky enough to work with many different communities including mental health groups, neural diverse, elderly, refugees, disaffected youth, and young offenders in prison. As a lecturer at Manchester City College I taught 16+ students weaving in storytelling and nature connection with the arts. I also worked in a variety of schools and then special education as Head of Art, SEAL (Social and Emotional Aspects of Learning), and PELTS (Personal Learning and Thinking Skills). My focus providing can-do, confidence building and therapeutic activities in art and cross curricular activities such as gardening and multicultural events for young people aged 11 - 19. After that working as a tutor for the Workers Education Association, an adult education charity and social justice organisation bringing education out into the community. I have been running nature, art and wellbeing activities alongside storytelling for many years. DBS checked.
I have been running workshops and retreats for over 20 years.
Creative: Worked in my twenties with drama therapist Ye Min as 2 Bright Sparks writing, performing and running workshops in mythical story telling. I've run many workshops from printmaking to creating 15 foot ‘gigants’ (giant puppets) commissioned by Manchester for the Manchester Millennium parade. Exhibited in and ran activities in galleries & museums across the North West of England. In 1994 I was a founder member of Hot Bed Press, a not-for-profit open access print and paper making community arts studio, still going strong many years later.
Therapist: Therapeutic art activities for mental health and wellbeing, mindfulness, relaxation and meditation were an integral part of my work as head of Art and SEAL (social and emotional learning). I set up the SEN art department developing materials and courses for with children and young people with severe emotional, social and behavourial difficulties, psychiatric and/or psychological needs, many of whom were in the care system. I've experience with mental health communities in the arts and also run courses and activities including stress busting and relaxation activities. My plant spirit medicine essences help me manage my disability and encourage deeper connection with trees and plants. I run forest bathing and nature connection activities out in the woods and meadows. I write eco-psychology and nature connection articles for Ancient and Sacred Trees, the not-for-profit I founded I 2014.
I undertake supervision and attend self development programmes regularly.
Interfaith: Founded AST promoting our sacred connections with a MinisTree for a spiritual connection with nature. Holding events, rituals and ceremonies honouring nature, our ancestors and our sacred connection to creation. Assistant to the late Anna Ziman for her renowned ‘Open To The Goddess’ Workshops and retreats described as a "big name in the goddess world" by the Times. I co-created a course for Last Wishes about end of life and creating personal funerals. My services can be called upon as a celebrant to create unique meaningful ceremonies for funerals and other occasions.
Life: I have a trans child of whom I am extremely proud and a darling little dog called Bella who follows me everywhere. Every human is unique and we each have our place in the world. I once did an all-night vigil on Cader Idris mountain summit in Wales (among other places). Legend says you if you spend the night up there you either end up dead, mad or a poet. I have nearly died twice, once when I was attacked and once in hospital after the birth of my baby. The first death experience in my early twenties led me on a personal journey towards enlightenment and direct revelation, shamanism and native indigenous connection. Having grown up in the countryside it was nature that pulled me out of the darkness. As a modern culture we are not encouraged to be open about death and this has had serious consequences for both our health and the wellbeing of our planet. This is why, as well as undertaking my MA, I am also part of the ‘Last Wishes – Live Your Legacy’ team. We aim to Educate, Inspire and Empower everyone around End-Of-Life. It is not dying we need fear but the manner of our living and passing. A good death (and life) should bring new life. Country born and bred I have a passion for the natural world and a particular affinity with plants. Bear has also come along as a big teacher for me. It was Bear who inspired me to do my MA. Our native cultural inheritance born from the land is the source of much inspiration. The world is far more miraculous and expands much further than the eye can see.
Hidden Disabilities: I was diagnosed with Fibromyalgia and ME in 2018 and I am neurodiverse.
My 'Superpowers' Are: Empathy and sensitivity combined with a passion for, and deep connection with, nature and the land. Highly creative, an out-of-the-box thinker with a gift for speech. In learning a new pace of life and navigating unknown waters I am ably equipped to aid others in navigating life's changing inner and outer landscapes. My life story means I can provide a different take on living based on practical experience to help others find freedom from within.
When we are left with nothing what are we? In a materialistic world with everything on demand, yet with little true communication, who are we? Wether you have too much or not enough, I can help you find your own answers. How do we learn to bend with the wind and not break? Or, if we have broken, how do we put ourselves back together again? Is it possible to find freedom when you're feeling trapped? How do we tend the home fire in the jewelled house of the soul? Come and find out. Or maybe you have found your answers to all these and more, and just want to find like minded folk to hang out with. Either way, you are welcome here.