A rather wonderful collection of one our most favourite of beasts, the dragon, at one of the country's finest half timbered houses Little Moreton Hall in Cheshire. (Part 1)

This little #dragon can be spotted above the window in the middle of the name William Moreton standing upon a vine that runs the length of the wooden overhang. Dragons are commonly associated with greenery. Below you can see the dragon in situ.

Below this strange image combines a woman with a dragon sprouting out of her crown. Protected from weathering by being sited in a corner we can see the scales, teeth and a very large tongue! The dragon is also sporting a plume of some sort. To the left of the crown is what appears to be a large set of claws. I suspect that they are claws rather than decoration because there are five of them like on a hand or paw.

These two charming dragons below live in the little chapel. I love the naive folk art style of these kneelers and they suit the setting perfectly. They speak volumes of the love and attention that is given to the place.

How many stitches? How many hours?! I think they are a girl and boy dragon respectively. The one above has red claws and the one below pink! Who knows, maybe they will breed one day and have babies!

Finally I will leave you with this very curious image of a possible #greenman with two serpents twining up his beard. The head rises up out of columns of flowers. The serpents grow out of the flowers, wrapping themselves around his beard and then meet under his nose. It seems to be an amalgamation of images I have seen elsewhere.
He deserves an article to himself I think. So I will write one comparing him to similar images and I will share my thoughts.

What do you think about this green man? Why would a dragon be showing growing out of a crown atop a woman's head? Why are there so many dragons at Little Morton?

Keep an eye for part two of the Dragons Of LittleMortonHall where I will be sharing more dragons and some magical mystery.
Amanda x
PS If you love dragons I run a home for abandoned and homeless dragons looking to be adopted! You can find dragons here at my ethical gift shop:
